Warning Signs are used when it is necessary to warn traffic of existing or potentially hazardous conditions on or adjacent to a highway or street. Warning Signs require caution on the part of the driver and may call for a reduction of speed or a maneuver in the interest of his or her own safety or that of other motorists or pedestrians.
On January 22, 2015, all Warning Signs must meet new retroreflectivity requirements as stated in the MUTCD (Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices). We at Luther Sign Co. have begun making all our Warning Signs to meet this requirement by using 3M High Intensity Prismatic reflective sheeting. In our "PARKING LOT" section, you will have an option on selected signs for Engineer Grade Prismatic reflective sheeting designed for commercial and non-critical signing applications.
In 2009, we began dating the backs of our Warning Signs to help our governmental customers comply with the new federal requirements.